Now We Have a New Clinic at Topsia

On Friday, December 15, Calcutta Rescue started another small clinic at Topsia. This is Calcutta Rescue’s 5th clinic and a project that collaborated with Friend of Calcutta, another NGO working in the Topsia slum area.

Chief Executive Mr Jaydeep Chakraborty mentioned the need for the slum area and thanked the local government for helping us to set up the clinic.

The clinic will run twice a week for now and predominantly a Mother and Child health clinic. The staff consists of 7 people including one pharmacist, one doctor, one nurse, benefit and medicine interpretation, IT front desk and supervisor and hygiene staff.

“There is a huge need in Topsia slum area. We received 130 patients in the first month of the clinic opening,” said Dr Alakananda Ghosh, the head of medical at Calcutta Rescue.

The Outreach team were present and an introductory icebreaking meeting was done with the ladies of the slum area. The head of the CR Outreach programme Sourav said, “As the icebreaker is done, we now have a good grasp about the ladies in the slum, young mothers, and their knowledge about pregnancy and childcare.”

Outreach team is now working on awareness sessions full fledged among the residents of Topsia slum area.