Calcutta Rescue is working on One of the Most Unique Projects – Vermicomposting

Calcutta Rescue has started a pilot project using the humble earthworm to tackle waste and generate employment. Vermicomposting uses worms to turn things like food waste and bedding materials into fertiliser.

Rumia, head of special projects for CR, explained why the charity has created a small vermicomposting plant near Dakshineswar slum in North Kolkata.She said, “Slum areas are generally unclean. There are dingy alleys, and narrow spaces, animals roam around, and garbage is dumped anywhere. The waste collection system does not operate. And, due to the pandemic, people in urban slum areas, many of the labourers, have lost work. So we decided that we could plan something that will reduce waste and also provide employment to the slum dwellers. This is one of the most unique projects we have taken on.”

Slum dwellers working on the project will collect waste from nearby cowshed, water hyacinths (an invasive weed) from nearby canals, and waste from local vegetable markets. Currently, these things are being dumped into drains creating blockages that encourage the breeding of mosquitoes and pollute the environment. This project is funded by The Calcutta Electric Supply Corporation Limited (CESC).

“We are very much excited,” said Arina (name changed), a housewife who joined the awareness sessions. “I am glad that the waste and garbage problem will be solved and also we will be able to earn some money.”

If the initial intervention is successful CR plans to make it a long-term project.